My journey started when I was a young child, as I knew that I had a strong connection to others and that I wanted to help them heal. As I ventured into this world as a psychologist and taking on leadership roles, I still felt called to do work healing others through mind body integration. In this time I have learned some of life's most vital lessons, the most important one being, “energy flows where intention goes.”
During my own healing journey I learned a great deal about our life energy, also known as Qi (also known as Chi), and its connection to the energy network of the body. My hunger for knowledge and determination to turn this information into more than just my journey, has led me to become a Priestess healer.
I strongly believe that energy flow conditions our overall existence; how we think, feel, and how our body moves. Living life with conscious intent and maintaining healthy energy is the key to success. I live my life through my interests of Kundalini Yoga, meditation, gardening, sound therapy and consider myself a lifelong learner in the foundations of energy and how our bodies guide us to heal and navigate through life.